Pharmacist’s role in service of high complexity in oncology

Hozana Santos, Giumara Batista, Gabriel Mota, Max Martins, Sheila Nunes


In recent years, the pharmaceutical skilled in oncology has proved increasingly important and ready to perform their role in society. He is the main instrument of Pharmacotherapy and important in various stages of anticancer therapy. With the goal to identify the responsibilities, powers and operation of the pharmacist in oncology service recently implemented in the second largest city in the state of Maranhão proposed to conduct this study. Data were collected through interviews and visits with the pharmacist responsible for pharmacy oncology hospital. The distribution of the data collected was consolidated in terms of installed capacity, occupation and activities. Activities observed in the performance of private professional handling of cytostatic agents. He emphasized the use of Doxorrubirina, Daunoblostina, Paclitaxel, Citorabina, Daumoclastma, Cytarabine, Anastrozole, Uimorelbina, Busulfan, oxaliplatin among others. It was possible to follow the routine oncology pharmacy and highlight the importance of professional evaluation from the prescription, dispensing, handling, evaluation and registration of RAM among other activities.


Pharmacy; Medical Oncology; Professional; Practice clinical



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Infarma - Ciências Farmacêuticas

ISSN - 2318-9312 (Versão eletrônica)

ISSN - 0104-0219 (Versão impressa)

Conselho Federal de Farmácia - CFF

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