Consumption of medicines by community health workers

Dominick Danielle Mendonça Santos, Thamara Corrêa Barbosa, Ricardo Lopes Rocha, Emerson Cotta Bodevan, Marcos Luciano Pimenta Pinheiro


This work investigated the consumption of medicines by the Community Health Workers (CHW), and carried out a training on the subject. 44 CHW participated in the study. The most commonly used drugs were analgesics, antipyretics
and anti-inflammatories (70.8%). The CHW reported the following frequency of drug consumption during the last month: 12 used once, six used twice, 17 used three times or more and 18 did not use medicines. Regarding the form of consumption, 18 performed self-medication. Of those interviewed, 35 had not difficulty in acquiring prescription drugs without a prescription, six used a controlled medication, and 51 respondents had used water to take the medication. The interviewees stated that they did not consume drugs influenced by commercial advertising. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that there is the practice of self-medication and failures in the rational use of medicines among Community Health Workers.


community health workers; self-medication; family health, strategy; drug utilization.



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Copyright (c) 2018 Dominick Danielle Mendonça Santos, Thamara Corrêa Barbosa, Ricardo Lopes Rocha, Emerson Cotta Bodevan, Marcos Luciano Pimenta Pinheiro

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Infarma - Ciências Farmacêuticas

ISSN - 2318-9312 (Versão eletrônica)

ISSN - 0104-0219 (Versão impressa)

Conselho Federal de Farmácia - CFF

SHIS QI 15 Lote "L" - Lago Sul - Brasília - DF

CEP: 71635-615 - Fone: (61)3878-8751


Walter da Silva Jorge João, Presidente do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

Lenira da Silva Costa, Vice-Presidente do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

João Samuel de Morais Meira, Tesoureiro do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

Luiz Gustavo de Freitas Pires, Secretário-Geral do Conselho Federal de Farmácia