Raphael da Silva Affonso, Karine silva Lima, Yasmine Mithiê de Oliveira Oyama, Melissa Cardoso Deuner, Danielle Rodrigues Garcia, Larissa Leite Barboza, Tanos Celmar Costa França


This paper refers to the non-medical use of psychostimulants, with emphasis on methylphenidate hydrochloride, among undergraduate students. Methylphenidate hydrochloride is indicated for the treatment of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy and acts on the Central Nervous System by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine and noradrenaline from synaptic terminals. It has been used, without medical supervision, to enhance the cognitive functions of individuals who do not possess any disorder. The objective of this research was to identify and quantify the non-therapeutic use of methylphenidate hydrochloride, other psychostimulants. The survey was conducted in Anhanguera School of Brasilia
(FAB), with the application of a questionnaire about the use of methylphenidate and other psychostimulants by students of undergraduate courses Biomedicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Nutrition. The data analysis showed that among the 400 respondents, 6.0% (n = 24) reported the use of methylphenidate. Among them, only 16.7% (n = 4) had a medical diagnosis of ADHD. Other authors point to a growing increase in the production and use of methylphenidate hydrochloride. According to the evaluation of the questionnaire answered by FAB students, 19.5% of students revealed they have already made use of drugs to help study and 57% of students who used methylphenidate hydrochloride as psychostimulants did without the Physician prescription


methylphenidate, self-medication, self-prescription, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity



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Copyright (c) 2016 Karine silva Lima, Yasmine Mithiê de Oliveira Oyama, Melissa Cardoso Deuner, Tanos Celmar Costa França, Danielle Rodrigues Garcia, Larissa Leite Barboza, Raphael da Silva Affonso

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Infarma - Ciências Farmacêuticas

ISSN - 2318-9312 (Versão eletrônica)

ISSN - 0104-0219 (Versão impressa)

Conselho Federal de Farmácia - CFF

SHIS QI 15 Lote "L" - Lago Sul - Brasília - DF

CEP: 71635-615 - Fone: (61)3878-8751


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Lenira da Silva Costa, Vice-Presidente do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

João Samuel de Morais Meira, Tesoureiro do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

Luiz Gustavo de Freitas Pires, Secretário-Geral do Conselho Federal de Farmácia